Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Otthein Herzog MEMBERS
Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Tongji University
Bremen, Germany
More Info
  • 2021
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (C.S.E)
More Info
  • 2021
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (C.S.E)
Election Remark
 1966-1967: General Studies at the Leibniz Kolleg, Universitaet Tuebingen
 1967-1969: Studies of Electrical Engineering at Universitaet Stuttgart
 1969-1970: Studies of Informatics at Universitaet Karlsruhe
 1970-1972: Studies of Informatics and Mathematics at Universitaet Bonn, Diploma (MSc) in Applied Mathematics and Informatics
 1972-1977: Researcher at the Computer Science Department, Universitaet Dortmund, research stays at the Technion, Haifa, and the CS Department, University of Utah, Salt Lake City
 1976: Dr. rer. nat. from the Computer Science Department, Universitaet Dortmund, with a thesis on the static semantics analysis of concurrent programs using Petri Nets

Professional Experience
 1977-1993: with IBM Germany, technical and managerial positions in international software product development, Software Engeneering, and AI research. Projects included mainframe operating systems, quality assurance (DOS/VSE and Unix), communications software, full-text information retrieval systems (IBM SearchManager), CIM repository systems, and a system for environmental impact analysis
 1985-1991: Head of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute "IBM Institute for Knowledge-based Systems" in the Scientific Center of IBM Germany, numerous AI research projects, the most important one was LILOG - Natural Language Processing and Text Understanding.
 1991-1993: Senior Manager at the IBM Germany Software Development Lab: Transfer of AI technologies into IBM products such as IBM Search Manager, and IBM Data Mining.
 1993-2009: Chaired professor of Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Universitaet Bremen heading the Artificial Intelligence Research Group.
 1995-2009: Founder and Director of the TZI - Center for Information and Communication Technologies at Universitaet Bremen (except 2000-2002).
 1997-1998: Sabbatical: Research professor at George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
 since 1998: Affiliate Research Professor at George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, formerly directed by the late Dr. Ryszard Michalski, and now by Dr. Janusz Wojtusiak.
 2000-2002: CTO at Lenze AG, responsible for production automation hardware and software development: from gear boxes to automation software, also founder of the Lenze AG subsidiary encoway GmbH in Bremen, software provider of configuration systems for complex products.
 2004-2009: PI of the EU FRP4 Integrated Project WearIT@Work with 42 European partners on wearable technologies for production, maintenance, healthcare, and emergencies
 2004-2015: PI (together with Prof. Scholz-Reiter) of the DFG Collaborative Research Center "Cooperating Autonomous Logistics Systems" at University of Bremen.
 2004-2010: Founder and Director of the MTRC - Mobile Technologies Research Center at University of Bremen.
 2004-2009: Founder, CEO and CTO of Mobile Solutions GmbH, Bremen
 since 2009: Research Professor at Universitaet Bremen supervising PhD students.
 2010-2016: Founder, CEO and CTO of InnovationsKontor Bremen GmbH.
 2010-2019: Wisdom Professor of Visual Information Technologies at Jacobs University Bremen
 since 2015: Professor of Artificial Intelligence, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, and CIUC - China Intelligent Urbanization Co-Creation Center for High Density Region (CIUC), Tongji University, Shanghai.
Publications are listed here

Current Activities
Current research interests at Universitaet Bremen:
Multi-agent systems for modeling and simulating autonomous processes and integration of heterogeneous data sources, e.g., for production and logistics networks, in the context of Industrie 4.0
Data mining and knowledge discovery techniques with applications in, e.g., network security, and dynamic knowledge management in autonomous processes.
Mobile, wearable and ubiquitous computing for work processes and Ambient Assisted Living
Automatic content analysis and annotation of still images, videos and sound for content-driven multimedia archiving, retrieval, and video abstracting.
At Universitaet Bremen, Dr. Herzog contributes to the interdisciplinary activities of
LogDynamics - Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics,
International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
Current research interests at the CIUC - Tongji University:
Big Data Decision Support Systems for Urban Planning, together with Prof. WU Zhiqiang
Multiagent Simulation Systems supporting strategic Urban Planning, together with Prof. CAO Buyang
Deep Learning Models of spatio-temporal city structures, together with Prof. WU Zhiqiang
Dr. Herzog is a Fellow of acatech – the German National Academy of Science and Engineering, where he served as Coordinator/Vice Coordinator of the acatech Topical Network “Information and Communication Technology”. From 2011-2013 he was a member of the acatech Executive Committee with the portfolio “International Relations”.
Dr. Herzog is a Foreign Member of CAE – the Chinese National Academy of Engineering.
Dr. Herzog is a Fellow of the GI - Gesellschaft für Informatik, and member of the AAAI, DAGM and the ACM.
Dr. Herzog was elected by an independent jury as one of the ten most influential minds of Artificial Intelligence in Germany.
Dr. Herzog was awarded the title of a Tongji University Honorary Professor (July 2021).
Dr. Herzog was awarded the Magnolia Silver Award by the City of Shanghai in recognition of his contributions to Shanghai's development and international cooperation (September 2021).

He was elected as member of the European Academy of Engineering in 2021.
He also serves as
Member of the Governing Board of the UNESCO International Knowledge Center for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) in Beijing, China,
Member of the Shanghai Municipal Artificial Intelligence Strategy Advisory Expert Committee in Shanghai, China,
Member of the Advisory Board of the Sino-German Ecopark, Qingdao, China,
Member of the Academic Committee of IFP - Sino-German Institute for Intelligent Systems, Qingdao, China,
Member of the Academic Committee of the Shanghai Research Institute for Intelligent Autonomous Systems,
Member of the Advisory Board of the Shandong Future Urban and Intelligent Planning and Research Center,
Trustee and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT), Bonn-Birlinghoven,
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Technology Network it's OWL - Intelligent Technical Systems Ostwestfalen-Lippe,
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of InES - Institute for Enterprise Systems, University of Mannheim.
Member of the IFIP Board of the GI - Gesellschaft für Informatik.